Excellent thermal and oxidation stability enable to provide a wider temperature range of applications with lower tendency to form carbon residue. 具有特佳之耐热及氧化稳定性,能在宽阔的温度范围下应用,不容易产生积垢及碳化。
By using computational method of minimum free energy, the effects of dibutyl phthalate ( DBP) on combustion carbon residue of double-based propellant were studied. 采用最小自由能法计算研究了邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)对双基发射药燃烧生成游离碳的影响规律。
Results show that DBP has a remarkable effect on the production of carbon residue in the combustion of double-based propellant. 结果表明,双基发射药配方中,DBP的含量对其燃烧生成游离碳有显著影响。
It was founded that with percent of Zr in Catalyst increased, the yields of gas and carbon residue on it would increased, diesel and heavy oil were on the contrary. 研究发现随着催化剂中锆含量增加,汽油、气体产率和催化剂积碳率增加,柴油、重油的产率减少。
Evaluation of the Uncertainty Measurement for the Determination of Carbon Residue in Petroleum Products by Micro Method 微量法测定石油产品中残炭含量的不确定度评价
Which is favorable for improving carbon residue rate and ablative property of resin. 有利于提高树脂的残炭率和烧蚀性能。
Carbon Residue Standardized test which measures the amount of carbon left behind after pyrolysis under standard conditions. 残炭用于在标准条件下,测定油品裂解后剩余碳量的标准化测试方法。
Comparison of hydrodesulfurization schemes for residue feedstock with high contents of sulfur, metal and carbon residue 高含硫高金属高残炭常压渣油加氢脱硫方案对比
Temperature control system of carbon residue analytic instrument 残炭试验器温度控制系统
The Determination of Carbon Residue in Aviation Lubricating Oil 航空润滑油残炭值的测定
Doba crude is a kind of intermediate-base heavy crude with a high acid-value, high content of calcium, salt, and carbon residue, but a low light oil yield. Doba原油属中间基重质原油,酸值和钙含量很高,盐含量和残炭也较高,而轻质油收率很低;
The furfural extraction can reduce the polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon content, the nitrogen content and the carbon residue of DAO. 糠醛精制能大幅度降低伊朗各线原料的硫、氮及芳烃含量,大幅度降低脱沥青油的残炭值;
The influences of catalytic temperature on the yield of liquid fuel oils, gasoline, diesel, heavy oils, gas and carbon residue were discussed. 讨论了催化裂解温度对液体产率、汽油馏分产率、柴油馏分产率、重油馏分产率、裂解气产率和残渣产率的影响。
The kinetic viscosity, carbon residue and the content of asphaltene of the heavy oil were investigated under function of ultrasonic wave. 讨论了超声波作用对重油的粘度、残炭和沥青质含量的影响。
Compared with the data of coke yield evaluated from the thermal gravimetry and the Conradson carbon residue analysis, the coke yields gained from the special-made static state experiment are mostly close to the plant data. 在特制静态实验设备上进行了实验,得到了焦炭产率数据,并与热重实验、康式残炭分析数据和实测数据进行了对比。
This paper presents a new approach in which the carbon residue of the mixed aviation oil ( MALO) of HH-20 and HP-8 in arbitrary volume percentage is measured at room temperature by using the Conradson method. 用康氏法测量了在室温下航空润滑油HH-20与HP-8的任意体积比的混合航空润滑油的残炭值。
New reclaim technology of carbon residue in aluminium electrolytic cell 铝电解炭渣回收新技术
Besides, the carbon residue of vacuum residue is mainly contributed by its resin-asphaltene, and is closely related to the H/ C ratio of the fractions. 减压渣油的残炭中约有90%是由其中的胶质沥青质所形成的,它与H/C比之间具有密切的联系。
The dielectric properties of methylsilicone resin matrix radome material with low carbon residue rate were analyzed by experiment. 对所研制的低残炭率甲基硅树脂基透波复合材料的介电性能进行了实验分析。
Aimed at the characteristic of Liaohe super heavy crude oil such as high content of heavy metal, carbon residue, gum and asphaltene, the demetallization agent for delayed coking unit was developed. 针对辽河超稠油金属含量高,残炭、胶质、沥青质含量高的特点,研究开发了焦化脱金属剂。
The yields of liquid, carbon residue and gas, and the quantity of gasoline, diesel and heavy oil generated by pyrolysis of different kinds of waste plastic at different temperature were studied. 研究了不同的塑料在不同的温度下裂解的液体收率、残渣收率、不凝气体收率以及汽油溜分、柴油溜分和重油溜分的量。
Especially when phenolic resins used as ablation matrix materials, a higher carbon residue is needed in high temperature, so they should be modified to improve heat resistance, meeting in application requirements of high temperature fields. 特别是在作为烧蚀材料基体时,在高温时需要更高的残炭率,因此需要对酚醛树脂的耐热性进行改性,满足酚醛树脂及其复合材料在高温领域的应用要求。
Then took the water glass as raw material, prepared silica by precipitation method, activated the carbon residue to prepare high methylene blue adsorption of activated carbon. 再以水玻璃为原料,采用沉淀法制备出白炭黑,并将制备过程中得到的炭滤渣进行活化,制备出高亚甲基蓝吸附值的活性炭。
As the sulfur content of crude oil quality and oil becoming heavier, catalytic cracking technology is ever increasing, and there are a large number of processing high carbon residue, high metal content of the raw materials of plant into operation. 随着原油质量趋向于含硫化和重质化,催化裂化的技术也在不断提高,且已有一大批处理高残炭、高金属含量的原料的装置建成投产。
With the same DAO yield, the contents of metal, sulfur and carbon residue in DAO obtained from VR that blended with 10% CT decreased obviously. 相同收率的DAO性质比较,VR掺炼10%CT后获得的DAO的金属、硫、残炭等含量明显下降。
Carbon residue, heavy components, sulfur, nitrogen and metal content in wax oil were increased; ash and sulfur content in coke were increased. 焦化蜡油中重组分、残炭、硫、氮和金属含量增多。石油焦灰分和硫含量增加。
The results showed that free phenol a little rose, the content of solid and carbon residue amount and thermal stability were remarkably improved when PTES modified phenolic resin. 结果表明:苯基三乙氧基硅烷水解后改性酚醛树脂,会使游离酚有一定上升,固含量和残炭量都会提高,耐热性提高。
Ultrasonic radiation can also reduce the oil viscosity and carbon residue. 同时超声波能降低混合原油的粘度和残碳。